Union Station Square

Union Station Square

June 30, 2011

Location: Downtown Seattle
Address: Jackson St. and 3rd Ave. S.
Acreage: 0.04

You might think of Union Station Square (which strangely is not directly in front of Union Station) as the urban park with the weird stools.

But, next time you pass through this part of Pioneer Square, take a closer look at the “stools” for a little of Seattle’s transportation history. Designed by Bill Will, this cool and informative art makes this otherwise plain park an interesting stopping point.

Then, cross the street to check out the beautiful Union Station that had its centennial celebration this year. When it was built in 1911, a building at 3rd and Jackson was torn down to reroute the streets leaving space for what is now the park with the weird stools…

#281 (Visited 5/4/11)