Location: West Seattle
Address: 2200 Harbor Ave. S.W.
Acreage: ~0.1
If you’re biking, running or walking the Alki Trail in West Seattle, pull off of Harbor Ave. and stop for a rest at the S.W. Bronson Way Street End.
A couple of benches will […]
Location: West Seattle
Address: 2200 Harbor Ave. S.W.
Acreage: ~0.1
If you’re biking, running or walking the Alki Trail in West Seattle, pull off of Harbor Ave. and stop for a rest at the S.W. Bronson Way Street End.
A couple of benches will […]
Location: Magnolia
Address: 3430 27th Ave W.
Acreage: 2.0
The Magnolia neighborhood finally has its own off-leash dog park with the addition of Magnolia Manor Park, which opened in 2012. Built on Seattle Public Utility land, this park is a little awkward to explore since the […]
Location: South Seattle
Address: Adams St. and Lake Washington Blvd. S.
Acreage: approx. 1.5
The Adams Street is obvious. The “Boat Ramp,” not so much. About a mile and a half north of Seward Park along Lake Washington Blvd. S, you’ll find a small parking lot […]
Location: North Seattle/Wallingford/U-District
Address: 7th Ave. N.E. and N.E. Northlake Way
Acreage: approx. 0.03 acres
A slightly widened concrete sidewalk at the street end of 7th Ave. N.E. makes up Northlake Park. There is no access to the waterfront, unfortunately, but […]