Location: South Seattle/Rainier Beach
Address: 8650 55th Ave. S.
Acreage: 0.1
The Parks Department Web site says Beer Sheva Park is only a tenth of an acre, but I can’t see how that’s true.
This park is a large waterfront spot right off the […]
Location: South Seattle/Rainier Beach
Address: 8650 55th Ave. S.
Acreage: 0.1
The Parks Department Web site says Beer Sheva Park is only a tenth of an acre, but I can’t see how that’s true.
This park is a large waterfront spot right off the […]
Location: South Seattle/Rainier Beach
Address: 8400 55th Ave. S.
Acreage: 19.1
I bet you’ve never heard of Pritchard Island Beach. I’m guessing you’re also wondering why you’ve never heard there’s an island in Seattle. Am I right?
Well, this wonderful waterfront […]
Location: South Seattle/Rainier Beach
Address: 8801 Rainier Ave. S.
Acreage: 9.5
Rainier Beach Playfield is part of a large complex that includes a community center, swimming pool, tennis courts and ball fields.
Two schools, South Lake High and Dunlap Elementary, sit adjacent to the property and […]